User Guide 

Functional elements of the main window



  1. Status bar for warning and informational messages
  2. Open input dialog.
  3. Open output dialog.
  4. Select database; if the empty selection item is selected, the text area (10) is cleared
  5. Open script/data file (disabled in demo version)
  6. Save text in (10) on file (disabled in demo version)
  7. Interpret contents of text area (10)  and update parameter panel (9)
  8. Update text area (10)
  9. Parameter panel
  10. Text area - used to enter scripts and tabulated data (refractive indices etc.)
  11. Start calculation and plot results. Erase previous results from plot window, if any
  12. Start calculation and plot results. Do not erase previous results (overplot)
  13. Start calculation and plot into a new window.