User Guide 


Table of input/output parameters

  The following table contains a complete list of input/output parameters.  The third column of the table specifies whether a parameter is an input or an output parameter:

The list of input parameters is redundant: you can enter the particle's dimension by entering the radius r , the diameter d or the volume vol. Instead of the wavelength lambda you can use the frequency f, the inverse wavelength invlambda, or the wavenumber k. For the material properties of the particle and the surrounding medium you can specify the relative permittivity (dielectric constant) or the refractive index. This redundance of parameters guarantees a maximum of flexibility of the program.
Symbolic name Description Input/output (I/O)
f Frequency of light in Gigahertz I/O
invlambda inverse wavelength in vacuum I/O
lambda wavelength in vacuum I/O
k wave number in vacuum = 2*pi / lambda I/O
d diameter of particle I/O
r radius of particle I/O
vol volume of particle I/O
x size parameter I/O
epsmed relative dielectric function (permittivity) of surrounding medium I
refmed relative refractive index of surrounding medium I/O
eps real part of the relative dielectric function (permittivity) of the particle  I
epsim imaginary part of the relative dielectric function (permittivity) of the particle  I
ref real part of refractive index of the particle I/O
refim imaginary part of refractive index of the particle I/O
theta scattering angle in degrees (theta=0: forward scattering, theta=180: backscattering) I/O
Qext extinction efficiency O
Qsca scattering efficiency O
Qabs absorption efficiency O
Qb backscattering efficiency O
A albedo O
g asymmetry, scattering cosine  O
Cext extinction cross-section O
Csca scattering cross-section O
Cabs absorption cross-section O
Cb backscattering cross-section O
etaExt extinction cross-section per particle volume O
etaSca scattering cross-section per particle volume O
etaAbs absorption cross-section per particle volume O
s11 normalized scattered irradiance at angle theta; unpolarized incident light O
ss normalized scattered irradiance at angle theta; perpendicular polarization  O
sp normalized scattered irradiance at angle theta; parallel polarization O
p degree of linear polarization (for incident unpolarized light) O
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