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Entering data by hand

Data can be entered using the input/output dialogs or using the text editor on the right side of the program window.
Both possibilities are discussed below.

As an example, let us calculate the extinction and scattering efficiencies Qext and Qsca as functions of the particle's diameter d.  As an initial step (which is not really needed, but makes the argumentation clearer), select the empty item of the select box of the program's main window to clear the text area and click on "<<" afterwards to clear
the parameter panel. After this step the text area is empty and the parameter panel disappeared.

We choose the following set of input parameters:   d, lambda, refmed, ref, refim .(the diameter, wavelength, refractive index of the surrounding medium, and the complex refractive index).

Using the  Input/Output dialogs

To open the input dialog, click on the button . The following dialog will appear:

On the first line ("read from table") specify whether data are to be read from a table or whether the a variable is used. In the current example, we want to use a variable, so please remove the check mark from the first line.
Now put  check marks for  the desired input parameters. The first column  is to specify the variable or the  tabulated parameters;  the second column is for the constants. In the current example, select d as the variable, while lambda, refmed, ref and refim are taken to be constants. After editing, the input dialog should look like


Close the input dialog by clicking  on the x on the right upper corner. As a result, the main window of the program displays the selected input parameters on the parameters panel  and suggests numerical values for them, e.g.:

Edit the number fields in the parameters panel according to your needs (for instance, you may set the wavelength lambda to 0.550 for green light  or you may wish to have the calculations done with n=600 data points).

After selecting appropriate values for the input parameters, go ahead and specifiy the output parameters. Click on the button  to open the output dialog.

Now select the output parameters. The first column specifies the abscissa, and the second column is for the ordinates; d has already been pre-selected. It's up to you to select Qext and Qsca in the second column:

Close the output dialog by clicking on the x in the right upper corner. Everything seems to be o.k., since the text area for warning messages  at top of the main window doesn't display a message.
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